Making a difference in the community

Committed to serving its community, Sparks UMC supports several local elementary schools, operates a weekly food pantry, provides meals to the homeless, and manages a Human Needs Fund to assist individuals facing short-term crises.

High school is challenging enough without the added burden of worrying about where your next meal will come from or where you'll sleep at night. Project 150 provides support to nearly 3,500 homeless, displaced, and disadvantaged students across more than 30 high schools in Northern Nevada. Their Reno facility operates year-round, offering clothing, school supplies, food, and essential support to help students stay in school. This year, we dedicated our Christmas Eve offering to support Project 150.

Sparks United Methodist Church recently completed its third campaign in partnership with Undue Medical Debt (formerly RIP Medical Debt) to alleviate medical debt for Nevada families. This remarkable effort resolved $1,246,000 in medical debt for 1,011 families across Nevada, including $921,700 for 751 families in Washoe County. Across all three campaigns, Sparks UMC has helped eliminate $3,626,000 in medical debt for a total of 2,471 families. The church is deeply grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with Undue Medical Debt to make this impact.